5 Songs… Frankie Siragusa (The Posies)

In der Rubrik „5 Songs” erzählen uns Musiker von Songs, die einen großen Einfluss auf ihr musikalisches Schaffen hatten bzw. haben. Nach Beach Slang- und Weston-Sänger James Alex und Josh Mckenzie von Apologies, I Have None haben wir diesmal Frankie Siragusa, den neuen Schlagzeuger von The Posies nach seinen fünf Lieblingsliedern gefragt. Wie schon sein Bandkollege Ken Stringfellow, zeichnet sich Siragusa durch einen vielseitigen Musikgeschmack aus.
Jellyfish – All Is Forgiven
The first time I saw Jellyfish live was in 1993 at the Warfield in San Francisco on their ‘Spilt Milk’ tour. Even though my introduction to Jellyfish was with their album ‘Bellybutton’ two years prior, hearing “All Is Forgiven” open their live set to this day still gives me chills. Even when I listen to the recorded version of the song, I still tense up as I anticipate all of the many changes in arrangement. It’s the most dynamic song from their entire catalog and I feel it holds up today as good as it did when it was released. The intro has the craziest guitar tone (what did they record that with?!), and the instant musical stop at the bridge followed by the faint music box sound in the background is a testament to their precision and fearlessness. It never gets old.
The Beatles – A Day In The Life
For most, I think it’s almost impossible to be truly definitive in picking a favorite Beatles song. However, I always loved “A Day In The Life” for including very distinctive John and Paul sections within the same track. It’s the best of both worlds. Not to mention John’s vocal is absolutely gorgeous! I’m a big fan of Ringo’s drumming on this as well being that he rarely plays a beat. The drums are there when the song needs the rolling toms and crash hits between vocal lines, and then is silent when only the maraca is necessary for keeping the pace. ‘Sgt Pepper’ is my favorite Beatles record as well. I think it has less to do with the song selection, and more to do with the playful quality to it, the somewhat peak of creative concepts in their career, and maybe most of all, the production. I do love the ‘White Album’ drum tones and all that, but there’s something about the 1967 Beatles sound that I think is so special and equally dark as it is alive. For me, the musical and sonic journey of ‘Sgt Pepper’ is The Beatles’ most exciting work. So when the album finally closes with “A Day In The Life”, for me, it holds so much weight as a curtain call. Insert final piano chord here.
Frankie Valli – Can’t Take My Eyes Off You
This may seem out of left field somewhat, but this song for me might be a perfectly written song. Not only is the performance great all around, but the way that odd, somewhat dissonant string/horn arrangement swings slightly against the straight-ahead drums I think is pure genius. The vocal is amazingly dynamic. Gotta love the blasting tambourine in the chorus as well!
Beach House – Take Care
I’m a huge fan of Beach House, and really any track off of the ‘Teenage Dream’ and ‘Bloom’ albums are contenders for this article. But, “Take Care” will always hold a special place for me. The song has an amazing sentiment in standing by the one you love. It matches the feeling of the rotating vocals at the end, and the lightness of the instrumentation throughout. It’s definitely an emotional track. My girlfriend Harmony and I have personalized this song to the extent that I’ll listen to this song when on tour from time to time when I’m missing her.
The Posies – Dream All Day
I know it may seem weird to reference a song from a band that I now play in, but prior to joining The Posies as their drummer earlier this year, I was a fan for 22 years. When I was a kid I used to sit at the tv, remote in hand, with a blank VHS tape loaded in the VCR waiting to record music videos that I liked off of MTV. I became pretty good at knowing within the first few seconds of the video airing if it sounded like a song I may like; and would then press record. When I heard the huge opening riff of “Dream All Day”, before the drums even came in, the VHS was in record mode. I was maybe 12 years old at the time, and immediately informed my brother (who’s 10 years older than I am) of this great new band called The Posies! He bought the CD and track after track he and I fell in love with the entire album ‘Frosting On The Beater’ start to finish. In fact, I would say “Solar Sister” instantly became tied as a favorite song, especially with it being back to back on the album tracklisting. From the guitar tones, to the harmonies, the style of the guitar solo, not to mention the unique and intricate drumming, “Dream All Day” was the one that hooked me first and it continues to be a favorite of mine.
The Posies – Dream All Day from timmi x on Vimeo.